

 breakneck speed
dnb, amen breaks
  1. darts
  2. trees
  3. foul
  4. golemm
  5. tech
  6. realm
  7. full
  8. beast
  9. cliques
  10. siri
  11. blawan
  12. stung
  13. vougue
  14. guts
  15. oranges
  16. run!
  17. keep running!
  18. fafa
  19. down
  20. said
  21. trap
  22. talk
  23. umm
  24. nchd
  25. chil
  26. daisuke
  27. t69
  28. 1st44
  29. end


 sample drums here
chill, jazz, funk, not old music
  1. truth
  2. 1989
  3. ready
  4. vacuum
  5. djm
  6. moonrocks
  7. naima
  8. earth
  9. silas
  10. qwalia
  11. gaia
  12. brazil
  13. cats
  14. it has that bass lick
  15. gwang
  16. spring
  17. montara
  18. flowers
  19. butcherBrown
  20. replaceme
  21. mononeon donyea
  22. 1992
  23. swagism
  24. zoo
  25. natesmith
  26. knuckles
  27. shaun martin
  28. noir
  29. leaves
  30. end


faces i drew on microsoft paint, 250x250


linear algebra notes i took from a DS textbook

linear algebra stuff works on things that are linear

basis vectors are the building blocks of vectors (it's like the squares in our 2d graph).

span is the space of the combinations that our vector can reach. sometimes your basis vectors can reach all available dimensions, sometimes not.

a matrix describes a transformation composed of its basis vectors. when you perform matrix-vector multiplication, you apply that transformation to the vector. matrix-matrix multiplication is just applying a transformation to another transformation. alternatively you can imagine matrix-vector multiplication as scaling the vector along the matrix's eigenvector by its eigenvalue (probably doesn't apply when eigenvalue is complex? idk???).


\((A-\lambda I)\vec{v}=0\)

determinant describes how much your transformation (matrix) scales an area. Negative determinant means we invert ourselves, and a determinant of zero means we smash space to a lesser dimension (not necessarily one dimension down).

solve for \(\lambda\), \(det(A-\lambda I)=0\)

NOTE: discriminant is \(\sqrt{b^2-4ac}\)

Monoid: is a set, associative, has law of composition, and a unit element, represents a binary operation. e.g. \(S^2\mapsto S\)


in the subway, and cat, 500x500


classical guitar, no BOSSA allowed, flamenco
  1. ldfelices
  2. despeus
  3. 200ph
  4. pedra
  5. ondas
  6. dissimulado
  7. Guinguiana
  8. tua_imagem
  10. outro


 can't forget these
math stuff that I should NOT forget

\(\log_2(8) = x\) is asking us "what power do I take 2 to in order to get 8?"

\(\log_a(b) = c\) is equal to \(a^c = b\)

Commutative is about the order of operands

Associate is about the order of operations

Transitivity is about relationships


data science stuff that I should NOT forget

Joint Probability, Union Probability comes in two forms (mutual exclusive, non-mutually exlclusive events (means you subtract the joint prob)), there's also Conditional Probability which relates to Baytes Theorem (flipping around conditions), think of the probability that P given B

TODO finish me: CDFs, Dev Std, Linear Regression


stuff i enjoyed reading